Friday, June 19
Thursday, May 21
Marius Zgardea

Awesome husband, friend, cook and soon to be adoptive father. When he's not killing bulls, wrestling crocodiles, shooting aliens or saving children from fires, he plays with pictures. His collages tell magnificent stories and his stile is incredibly unique and awesome. Most likely the coolest person I know.
Check out his complete portofolio at
April 2009 First Prize Winer, The 14th Annual Members’ juried Show, Juror - Brian Paul Clamp
JUROR - BRIAN PAUL CLAMP February 2009 “My Life” collage/instalation, solo show at Soho Photo Gallery, NYC
February 2008 “Dream”, installation made with lcd screens and photos at Soho Photo Gallery, NYC
September 2007 “My Nest” and “The Pain Of The Twin Towers”, collage/ installation show at Soho Photo Gallery, NYC
January 2007 “The Birthplace of Love”, collage/installation solo show at Soho Photo Gallery, NYC
November 2006 “ 83rd Street Studio” Installation, spotlight show at Soho Photo Gallery, NYC
October 2006 “The Dream” collage, spotlight show at Soho Photo Gallery, NYC
January 2006 “One”, Collage, Awarded with First place at Members’ Juried Show, Juror Harvey Stain.
November 2005 “Drowning in New York City ”, Collage spotlight show at Soho Photo Gallery, NYC
October, 2005 “Going back”, solo show at Soho Photo Gallery , NY
February 2004- “Roving Fridays” at Objex Art space Gallery, Miami , Florida
February 2004- “Re-creations: Elements, Space and Body” at Broward Community College, Davie, Florida
“The place to be/Special New York” in Leicaworld
Magazine, 2/2006 page 25.
Labels: Art, Artist, Colaje, Collages, roman, Romanian, Timisoara
Wednesday, May 20
Pro Street Romania
Marek vs. Dragos, Dacia vs. Lada, absolutely ridiculous spoilers, hubcaps for rims, flames and racing stripes, an ak47 to start the race. Oh did I mention the girls?Tuesday, May 19
On the Romanian Consulate at New York

Unfortunately I'm starting off with a tragedy. I watched my friend Lia die this saturday on a hospital bed in brooklyn. It was terrible but what made it worse was the way the people working at the Romanian Consulate in NY reacted to the situation. Normally under such circumstances the hospital informs the Consulate through a letter of the situation and the Consulate takes it from there doing everything possible to bring the relatives here (this is what most countries do). Some countries even expatriate deceased people at their own expense if they have nobody here to take care of them. We presented the Romanian Consulate with a letter from the hospital describing my friend's condition and requested that the parents be brought to NY. We were given a response on the lines of 'we can't directly contact the Romanian embassy...its illegal. You will have to ask the hospital to do that.' They then gave us a letter for the hospital asking them to contact the Romanian embassy directly. It was a game of back and forth while Lia was fading away silently. Now I understand that there are policies and laws which i might not be familiar with but it seems some of the people that work there lost their souls to the roles they adopted. Any opinions or personal experiences are most welcome. I can personally say that i detest going there for any reason.

I could not believe my eyes today when from curiosity i typed in this old blogs address. It was still generating traffic after 3 years of inactivity. Albeit in minimal amounts but still, i felt compelled so here we go again. I'm resurrecting the site and we'll see what happens from here. I'm going to write in English because if you have the ability to surf the intertubes then you can most likely understand English. So hopefully with a broader audience and older, more mature moderator(s), the site will do better than it did when Phil and I started it back in 2006. Here we go...
Tuesday, April 25
Dar vai, ce se intampla (Taran in Spania)
Acest post este pentru toti prietenii mei din Romania care au ras de mine si au facut misto de mine. Dar vai, dar vai, ce se intampla, este incredibilEste incredibil, incredibil.Asa ca dragii mei prieteni, nu va mai faceti griji ca nu o duc asa rau aici in, whatever, unde-oi fi eu.
Taran in Spania la ProTV
Taran in Spania la Antena1 (I)
Taran in Spania la Antena1 (II)
Wednesday, April 19
Ca la inchisoare

M-am decis insfarsit sa scriu despre un incident care s-a intamplat cateva saptamani in urma, dupa care inca mai am de suportat consecinte. Jilava mea de scoala, Long Island City High School, este o scoala publica din New York si prin urmare trebuie sa urmeze regulile sistemului de invatamant public din New York. Printre cele o mie de reguli de cacao, tip inchisoare, este una care nu iti da voie sa iesi afara din scoala dupa ce ai intrat (scanat cu ID-ul la intrare), nici macar in perioada de Lunch care iti face parte din orar. Normal ca romani ce suntem incercam sa gasim feluri sa inselam sistemu si asa se face ca aprox. de la inceputul anului am reusit sa ies cu Phillip la lunch in fiecare zi intr-un mod sau altul si sa ma intorc inapoi in scoala fara probleme. Acum vre-o doua saptamani m-au prins si mi-au dat 2 saptamani In-House. Fenomenul In-House este o suspensie de cateva zile (a mea 2) in care mergi la scoala dar te pun ei sa stai intr-o clasa cu alti suspendati si sa frecati menta pana la 11:30 cand vine un gardian sa va escorteze afara din cladire. N-am obiectat nimic si mi-am acceptat pedeapsa, care urma sa fie saptamana urmatoare. Ziua urmatoare nu m-am dus la scoala si mi-am facut o motivare falsa (Photoshop la greu) ca sa nu mai urle la mine. Asa ca ma duc eu linistit la In-House si in cateva minute vad pe una dintre directoare ca intra in clasa cu un prof de-a meu cu motivarea in mana si rosie la fata (i-am aratat motivarea la prof cu o zi in urma, s-o prins ca-i facuta si o stat pana urmatoarea zi sa se decida daca o duce sau nu). Asa se face ca mi-or mai dat 5 zile de In-House (asta se numeste Principal Suspension), m-or data afara din echipa scolii de volei unde eram co-captain si multe alte magarii. Acuma intrebarea castigatoare este: Cum ma schimba asta pe mine? Cum ma face 7 zile de stat intr-o clasa si absent de la ore sa ma schimb in ceva mai bine? Poate ministrul educatiei vede un beneficiu in procedeu asta dar adevarul este ca nu exista nimic positiv in sistemul asta. Comentati ca vreau pareri.
Thursday, April 13
Ieri ma plimbam cu un prieten in Astoria, Ny, si am trecut pe langa un magazin de geamuri. Am citit titlul si ceva nu se lega. "Finest" era scris gresit. Nu mi-a venit sa cred si am citit si recitit sa vad daca nu gresesc dar nici vorba, "Finest" era scris "Finast". Sa poti striga incultura in gura mare. Culmea e ca patronul trebuie sa fie American pentru ca are multe semne cu "God bless our troops" si "God bless America" pe geamuri, dar te poti astepta de la orice.